Chapter One :Chapter 1



Matilda Dominguez could not sleep.

How could one possibly sleep after getting an heartbreaking news?

She has been married to Sergio for five years now.

Her father-in-law had been on her neck asking her for a grand child.

Hell,she was on the edge too because she needed a child more than anyone could ever understand.

After getting series of tests conducted,it was discovered that she could never carry a child in her womb.


She had come this far to give up.

But what should she do?

Her cellphone rang, startling the hell out of her.

She tensed as the caller's ID registered in her retina.

Slowly,she picked up.

"So what are the results?"Russo asked, without bothering to exchange any pleasantries.

It appears he had been eagerly waiting for some good news too.

"I... I... can't give birth.."

"What?"What do you mean you can't give birth?!"He thundered.

"That's what the results revealed. I can't carry a child in my womb"


Damn it

.Why?Just why? We're this close. Can't they do anything?Treat it or something?"


Russo didn't say anything for a long while.

"If you can't conceive,Alberto might chose another daughter in-law for his son.Then everything we've done... fulfilling our Vendetta would become difficult"

Matilda sighed, equally ill at ease.

"But isn't there a way in which someone else can carry the baby for you? I mean... those insemination shit..."

"You mean, surrogacy?"

"Yes,we can try that.We have to."

"The doctor did suggest that but..."

"But what?"Russo pressed on.

"I don't know if Alberto would approve of it"

"He will.He has to.You have to convince him.He already has a great likeness towards you with how well you run the business with Sergio.He will surely agree to this.After all,the child would have his would only develop in another woman's body"

Matilda smiled.

Why hadn't she thought of that before?

She was lucky she had Russo by her side.

He was always quick at thinking up a solution to any problem.

"I will visit the family house with Sergio on Sunday.Not to worry, everything will fall into place"

"It has to"




The sound of my alarm clock woke me up.

I slowly sat up on my bed.

Recalling the events of last night made me furious all over again.

I hauled myself out of bed and walked into my bathroom.

After applying toothpaste on my toothbrush.

Ian's annoying face popped into my head.

I started to brush my teeth, angrily.

I still can't believe he broke up with me.

I wasn't even feeling hurt... I was feeling disappointed with the four years I wasted loving an asshole like him.

He had said he wanted a woman with class.

With class?

Does he have any class?

He had said he was tired of putting up with me.

I have been putting up with that punk!

I was warned by my friend,Isobel, to break up with him.

He had nothing to offer me.

He was always taking from me.

I sometimes envy my friends whose boyfriends always shower them with gifts.

But I didn't want to date any guy because of his money.

I wanted to date him for who he was on the inside.

Too bad,I didn't realize on time that Ian's fucked up on the inside.

He knows I have expenses...I have my brother and my dad to take care of...yet,he kept begging me for money.

He kept wanting his own share from the little income I make knowing fully well that I also need help financially.

He's the most selfish person I know.

He makes more than I do but he will never offer to help me.

I felt bad that he broke up with me because I should have ended the stupid relationship a long time ago!

Oh well.

I'm glad it ended anyway.

Good riddance!

Now all I have to do is to start my life all over again and focus on my family.

After brushing my teeth, I hurried over to turn on my iPod so that the music could make me feel whole but then my phone started ringing.

My brother, Luca was calling.



He sounded tensed.

I quickly dropped my iPod.

"Luca, calm down,What is it?"

"Father just collapsed.I...I...called an ambulance... they've arrived and they're taking him to the hospital."

My whole body was shaken.... I had to hold onto the wall for support.

Oh mio dio

Oh my God

Is this a week of terror?

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